buffing and Polishing
Buffing and polishing, needs to be executed in certain projects ( as well newbuilding as in operations / repairs ) ! Our teams are ready to serve you world wide.
New building treatment
In order to maintain the surface condition of stainless steel in its original state as supplied by the manufacturer. We at INOX Surface Treatment advise against performing any mechanical surface treatments on the material (such as grinding and blasting, etc.).
But even with the best protection and precautions taken, to avoid any damage or corrosion, there will always be a need for mechanical treatment to remove damages, HAZ (heat-affected zones), impurities, etc. prior to chemical or technical cleaning by pickling or passivating. This is especially true for new-building constructions, which require welding, bending, cutting, and other similar processes and the mixture of steel with stainless steel while constructing for instance webframes.

Ships in Services – Upgrading of corroded surfaces
INOX will always start to advice for chemical technical cleaning when chemical tankers and storage tanks in operation restoration or upgrading of the surface due to corrosion, discoloration, cargo residue, etc.. Various chemicals will be tested in order to upgrade the surface back to a corrosion-free and passive status, suitable for all cargoes.
The advantage of chemical cleaning against mechanical cleaning : – No scaffolding required – Less manpower – Lower costs and fewer delays.
Note: Chemical technical cleaning can’t fix or fix up heavily corroded surfaces (like pits, rough spots, elephant skin, etc.).
In the event that chemical technical cleaning does NOT meet the required final spec. then the only remaining option is mechanical cleaning ( by buffing and eventually polishing )
After several buffing/polishing tests the principal will together with INOX team decide which buffing procedure will be executed in order to execute the mechanical works in the most cost-effective way, to reach a perfect end quality. We offer advisors , supervisors , technicians for execute the works. Further more the INOX Team will control by roughness devices the Ra values while executing the works in order to reach the required final surface quality..
Before buffing and polishing works

After buffing and polishing works

(High gloss) Polishing